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sql server comparison tool
SQL Server Comparison Tool User Guide
Getting Started
Adding server to SCT
Removing server from SCT
Keyboard Shortcuts
Getting database information
Structure Comparisons
Comparing selected objects
Comparing all objects
Bulk comparisons
Selective comparisons
Data Comparisons
Comparing data in two tables
Data comparison options
Comparing data in two tables
Exporting data from table to HTML file
Exporting data from table to Excel file
Automating Comparisons
Saving Comparisons
Command Line Parameter
Ordering & License
License agreement
System requirements
Technical Support
Contacts & Credits
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Exporting data from table to Excel file
To export data from table to Excel (csv) file:
Select desired table
Click button "View Data"
New window will pop up, displaying all data stored in selected table. Click button "Export"
Select appropriate file type (in this case select: "Excel - Comma Separated Values (CSV) file")
Click button "OK"
Select the location and name of the file to be created.
Click button "Save". The new file will be created.